Jika Anda Bisa Mengetik dan Akses Internet, Anda Sudah Memiliki Syarat yang Cukup Untuk Menghasilkan Uang dari Bisnis Tiket Pesawat Online

Berapa Potensi Pendapatan Anda??

Potensi penghasilan yang bisa anda hasilkan bernilai milyaran rupiah setiap bulan untuk selamanya. Selama industri penerbangan masih tetap ada, dan ada orang yang membeli tiket, maka anda akan tetap mendapatkan komisinya.

Siapa Saja Yang Bisa Bergabung??

Siapapun diri anda, anda bisa bergabung dan memanfaatkan Bisnis Tiket Pesawat. Jika anda termasuk dalam kategori orang-orang di bawah ini, maka bisnis ini sangat cocok untuk anda.

  1. Sekretaris, yang sering diminta tolong oleh pimpinan perusahaan untuk mencarikan tiket pesawat.
  2. Public Relation, Protokoler, HRD, Marketing yang sering melakukan perjalanan dengan pesawat terbang dan berhubungan dengan banyak orang.
  3. Mahasiswa yang ingin berlatih untuk berusaha, berhubungan dengan banyak orang, mandiri secara finansial dan tidak menggantungkan biaya dari orang tua.
  4. Karyawan yang ingin menambah penghasilan bahkan bermimpi memiliki kebebasan finansial.
  5. Penganggur yang tidak memiliki aktifitas namun tidak ingin waktunya sia-sia.
  6. Pencari Peluang yang selalu membuka mata dan telinga untuk meningkatkan taraf hidupnya.
  7. Semua orang yang ingin berhasil, berlatih berusaha, berlatih menjadi pengusaha dan tidak ingin menjadi kuli bagi orang lain.

Apakah anda sudah siap untuk Bergabung??

Bergabung? silahkan klik disini

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Free Download Steam Android and iOS App

Steam Android iOS App

A couple of days back, steam – the online gaming central – launched an app for android and iOS. The app is still in it's early closed beta, so expect it to be buggy and with no great features as of now! The invitation, as of now, is also sent to a lucky few who tried to login to steam through the mobile app. Others still wait. But since it's beta, there's nothing much great that you guys may be missing.

Firstly, the app is a "steam chat and buy" mostly, as of the current beta and no online play is feasible. Also it does not support spectating of live games. The things you get are :

  • Chat with online steam friends.
  • Steam news and other update news.
  • Access to community groups.
  • Shop online at steam store.

The chat feature is really great and it allows you to chat with your online steam friends like other chat apps. The "Access to community groups" feature does literally as written, it only lets you see your groups (and leave them too) and provides no way for a community chat.

Steam Android iOS

The USP is however, for the beta, is that it keeps you in touch with the latest sales and game releases, so you won't miss any of those tempting weekend or festive sales. It also lets you gift your currently bought item, just like the old pc version. The UI and design is similar, if not identical, to the pc version, with dominance of black that looks quite soothing to eyes.

If you haven't got an invite yet, don't be upset, just try and login through the mobile app. This sends a mail to the steam team that you are interested and they will soon let you be part of it.

The app is not yet feature-packed and needs a lot of work on some of the basic steam features it should give but what it gives, as of now, is pretty good and nice!!!

So if you are a steamer and want a shot at this great app just download it from Android Market for android and for iOS from Apple Store and try signing in. You'll get your invitation pretty soon, i hope.

Source :

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